January 09, 2015

Primary Research - Sparking Some Light.

Dina Goldstien; A photographer and photojournalist, born in Israel, 1969. Emigrated to Canada in 1976 to study art history and photography at Langara College. Once her career started she started to focus on documentary work, photography and photojournalism working editorial jobs and commissioned work for magazines and advertising agencies. Her first series of images at a public exhibition were a series of black and white portraits of people living in the West Bank and Gaza.

In 2007 she started to focus more on her conceptual work which she is now recognised for its metaphorical messages,  which have sparked endless debates and controversies as well as posts upon posts on blogs and magazines.  

Dina started creating her first tableau series "Fallen Princesses" (2007-2009) using disney princesses and showing what happened after and how their lives went downhill. The series was created as a outlook out of fairytales and to force the viewer to "contemplate real life" such as obesity, cancer, extinction of indigenous cultures, pollution, war and more. By using the princesses in their original form created by Walt Disney, this series exposed the truth about life and the consumerism in these films. 

Throughout 2009-2013 Dina worked on two projects, Firstly another series "In the Dollhouse" which worked on the same basics as Fallen Princesses but this time concentrating on the life of Barbie and Ken - acting on how Ken is always shown to be handsome but emasculated, and is exposed as cheap, and plastic facsimile. The photo series turned that around to turn it around to barbie and help find Ken his authenticity and finally realise true happiness. Also in 2013, she launcher her XX Retrospective - 20 Years In 20 Pictures gallery which displayed 20 years of her life in 20 images.

In 2014, Goldstein released her latest and third large scale series Gods of Suburbia. The work is a analysis of religious faith, modern forces of technology, science and secularism. The series plays with the native iconography to communicate how organised belief has been twisted to be driven by consumerism and greed. Below is an image from the series labeled "The Last Supper" based of the original Leonardo Da Vinci's "The Last Supper"

The Bible : Thug Life - COMING SOON! To Blogs Near You!

RAG: G2 I understood the task and have researched the artist well and her intentions behind the work. I still need to complete it and analyse the actual images and say how I can improve it.

1 comment:

  1. A1: Interesting chosen designer, you have clearly looked into her work. In order to progress you now need to explore how Dina uses image manipulation to identify how she is relevant to your work, evaluate the examples you have looked at, considering image manipulation techniques and discuss how the work could influence and inform your own. For example could you use a similar concept?

    Avoid repetition of words in the same sentence.
    Please included your references
