December 09, 2014

Historical Photo Manipulation.

Photo Manipulation started out by retouching Ink, paint, double-exposures, piecing photos together and using negatives in the darkroom, sometimes even scratching polaroids. Airbrushes were used to hence the term "air-bushing" in todays photo-manipulation. During those days photography was not advanced and it was harder to manipulate photos - Tampering with photos started out early in 1860's when a photo of Abraham Lincon was altered by Mathew Brady where the head of Lincoln seated was manipulated onto John C. Calhoun's body.

Since then 1980's was the first of when digital retouching came forward. Quantel computers running Paintbox and Scitex were being used professionally until Adobe Photoshop came forward in 1988 and took over the market.

During the 1900's Stalin routinely airbrushed his enemies out of photographs, in this photograph a commisar was removed from the original photograph after falling out of favour with Stalin. This image would have been used in newspapers, through articles and in propaganda posters. 

RAG: G2 - I understood the task and demonstrated the work well, also analysed the images to standard.

1 comment:

  1. A2- You have started to demonstrate an understanding of the history of image manipulation, however your first paragraph is very similar to what is written on wikipedia! In order to progress can you read more than one source for information and write your own interpretation of the history, and reference all material used. You are also capable of more detailed and specific analysis, as demonstrated in previous work. How powerful is it? Who manipulated the image and what was their social status? What does the framing and composition say about the image? What made you notice the image, who might have been the intended audience and what impact do you think it would have had on them?
